// 1st International Symposium on Energy System Analysis (ISESA) “Next level of security of supply: a resilience strategy for the energy transition”

Introduction and Motivation

A successful energy transition requires a complex transformation process that considers technical, economic, ecological, and social dimensions. Energy systems analysis uses methods and tools from different disciplines to provide insights from these dimensions and to integrate them into a holistic view of future defossilised energy systems.

The International Symposium on Energy System Analysis (ISESA) offers an international platform for experts from various disciplines to discuss different aspects of the energy transition. Several issues in the development of this complex system are highlighted and debated in an interdisciplinary context. The theme of this year's ISESA is “Next level of security of supply: a resilience strategy for the energy transition”.

The symposium will address the vulnerabilities of the “new” energy system, such as the lack of technical flexibility, low user acceptance, and high dependency on rare materials. Additionally, the symposium will discuss aspects of governance, energy justice and elements of resilience strategies. All of these aspects have significant impacts on the future of defossilised energy systems.

If you are conducting research in these areas and are interested in interdisciplinary exchange, we invite you to contribute to our symposium by submitting an abstract (see details below) and participating in our discussions at the 1 st International Symposium on Energy System Analysis in Stuttgart, Germany.

We are pleased to announce Prof. Dr. Russell McKenna (ETH Zurich) and Prof. Dr. Armin Grunwald (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology) as our keynote speakers.


Interdisciplinary Topics

Selected topics include the following but are not exclusive. Contributions which combine topics are highly encouraged.

  1. Governing resilient energy systems
  2. Energy justice
  3. Elements of a resilience strategy for energy systems
  4. Role of infrastructures: electricity, heat, gas, H2 grids, etc.
  5. Energy security issiues: system adequacy, supply dependencies, cyber-attacks/sabotage, critical raw materials, extreme weather events, etc.
  6. Trade-offs between resilience, climate protection, social acceptance and cost/affordability
  7. Role of sector integration in energy scenarios

Abstract Specifications

The abstract should be between 300 and 500 words. The corresponding author submitting the abstract must provide complete contact details. Please use the template provided on our website and send it via email to Tatiana Borovleva (tatiana.borovleva@dlr.de).

The Deadline for the Abstract is May 6, 2024.

Authors will be notified of their abstract status by June 7 including the invitation for presentation or poster contribution.

After the symposium, authors of selected papers will be invited to submit an extended version of their contributions in a special issue of a relevant scientific journal.

Date and Venue

The symposium is scheduled to take place in-person on November 11th and 12th, 2024 at the Zentrum für Sonnenenergie- und Wasserstoff-Forschung Baden-Württemberg (ZSW), Meitnerstr. 1, D-70563 Stuttgart, Germany.

Preliminary Program

You can download the preliminary program for the forthcoming symposium by clicking on the link below:


Organizational Issues

  • Participation is free of charge.
  • All participants must register via a conference tool provided on our website, which will be available soon
  • There is an oppurtunity to attend a conference dinner on Monday, November11, at your own expense. Please register for the dinner using the conference tool.
  • If you have any questions regarding content or organization, please contact us directly: info@strise.de

We are looking forward to receiving your abstract and welcoming your participation in November 2024.